Chelsea, MA brings Multiple Departments' government workflows online with ClearForms
The City of Chelsea, Massachusetts began using ClearForms software (then known as CityGrows) in 2017. That fall, Chelsea launched their Amusement/ Entertainment License, Common Victualer License, and Rooming House License Applications on the ClearForms platform, bringing these workflows online for the first time. Here's how the Common Victualer License looked then.

Like many local governments, Chelsea has very specific applications for certain business license types. Governments use ClearForms to digitize existing local government workflows quickly and without needing any coding or IT support. After digitization, governments see better compliance, higher revenue, and need less staff time to process each application. And of course the ability for employees to be able to work remotely and in the field is extremely important. The platform not only brings application forms and license fee payments online, but also digitizes the real “behind the scenes” work of local government such as reviews and approvals. ClearForms is compatible with existing websites, so Chelsea got up and running very quickly with its first workflows, and continues to add new ones when they need them.
Since Chelsea launched, they've added additional workflows for Special Events, park facility reservations, and more types of business licenses. Because of COVID, Chelsea was able to quickly launch a Temporary Outdoor/ Sidewalk dining permit to help their local restaurants continue operating safely.

Best of all, our “clone this process” feature allows other Massachusetts governments (or any government!) with similar licenses or permits benefit from the great work that Chelsea has done — we make it easy to duplicate, adapt, and launch workflows, so local governments don’t have to start from scratch!
Many thanks to the team at Chelsea who have created a great example of the kind of rapid, low-cost innovation that’s possible with local government leadership.
Book time with our team to get more information about how to bring your local government workflows online.