Spend less and buy faster: ClearForms no-RFP affordable permitting software

Don't let the fear of an RFP process keep you on out-of-date software or using PDFs and emails to manage your permitting. ClearForms' no RFP-pricing and affordable subscriptions mean you can get started right away, without an RFP.

One of the reasons so many governments are stuck with outdated technology is the RFP process. If software costs more than a local government's RFP limit, it can take months or years to purchase, and a lot of staff time to create an RFP.

That's why ClearForms pricing scales based on the size of your government's population. It's designed to always be below RFP limits, so you can start using the software right away.

You shouldn't have to spend months to find out if our software will work for you. While most governments choose an annual subscription, you can pay for ClearForms on a month-to-month basis to make sure it works for you.

Get started with ClearForms software today. No RFP needed.