Welcome to ClearForms!

Helpful links

We're so happy you're joining the ClearForms community. Please note that we've rebranded to ClearForms from CityGrows (learn more about this transition and our name change here) . You may continue to see "citygrows" in URLs until this transition is complete.

Here are some useful links!

  • This link is the fastest way to your admin dashboard.
  • https://go.citygrows.com/(yourteamname) - your Public Portal (after you've configured at least one new Team. Any time you see "go" at the beginning of a site URL it means you're on the Applicant version of the software. So when you're testing your workflow you'll be on "go" pages.
  • Help Docs (main page). Use this page to search (or it's even easier to use the search function in our online chat support - the small green box at the lower right of the screen.)
  • Glossary - learn how we use terms like Workflow, Process, and Output!
  • Help Docs: Getting Started Section.  A selection of articles to help you get up and running with your first workflow.
  • Help Docs: For Finance/ Accounting: Getting your bank account added so you can accept payments on ClearForms.
  • Schedule onboarding sessions by reaching out to your Implementation Manager directly or by using our chat function (green box on the lower right of the screen or by emailing clearforms@cleargov.com.
  • Workflow planning interactive tool If you'd like to workshop some ideas on how to move your paper/ PDF-based business process online, feel free to use this planning exercise, then you can review with the team.
  • Don't forget you can reach us any time during business hours with our live chat (the little green box at the bottom right!)